Sunday, July 20, 2008

Bird's Eye View

Here are the pictures Scott and Bobbi took over the Fourth of July. Ben brought a plane and took three loads of people on rides over two days. This was one of the last rides he gave that weekend.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Burnt out Pod

Here's Gramma's pictures from Memorial weekend of the pod that caught fire.

"Flying" a Propeller

After we watched this, Grandma reminded me that this particular windmill was the one that while it's pod was still on the ground (over Memorial weekend), she and a crew of trouble makers got caught trespassing and Bekah was still inside the pod when the workers arrived on the scene. She hid there for five minutes while the others "appeared" to leave the danger zone and for the workmen to finally leave. Poor Bekah! It's a good thing we prayed that morning that we wouldn't get caught trespassing!

See the wee little man?
It stayed like this for an awful long time, I was ready with camera in hand to catch it being attached, but I must have looked away at the perfectly wrong time because I look up and it looked like the next picture below this one.
We waited for over a half hour for them to detach the cranes, but one of the workers told us that it would be at least another 45 minutes as there's 500 bolts to be bolted down first. They did verify our suspicions, though, that a man (yes, a wee little one) gets out on top of the nose and detaches the crane manually. ...And now, introducing...GARY! He's one of the wee little men. Tee hee. We had good chuckle later at Gary's vast knowledge, but it was interesting nonetheless. Turn your volume up and get ready to be wowed. Yes, I videoed him without his knowledge. Not submittable in court, but legal otherwise. The only part you missed was when he told us how he regularly has to climb up to the top of these windmills. When asked whether he wore a harness, he explained he used to jump out of airplanes for a living and the harnesses just slow him down. So, he doesn't wear one although he's supposed to. He added that they only choose people to go to the top who don't mind heights. Smart, huh? The last two videos are the most audible, I recommend skipping down to them. I left the first 3 on in case someone has a better sound system than I do and can make out what they're saying. Sorry if not. The wind was crazy that day.

Thanks, Gary!

What is this?

Hi! The reason I created this blog was as an easy way to share tons of pics and videos I took of our last trip to the cabin (hence the many pics of our son in the slide show). To offset the imbalance of so many pictures of our little one, you (family members) are officially invited to become a contributor to this website. It's super easy and I'm happy to help anyone along who's lacking confidence. Just leave a comment that you're interested and I'll get you started! Stories, pictures, videos, anything relevant to the family is welcome.

I'd like to link everyone to each other as much as possible through this. For instance, I know that a few of us have websites. I'll put links to those in the side bar. If you have one and you're not listed, do let me know! Also, several people in the family are on FaceBook: Gramma H, Laurie, Biz, Jeremy, Bekah, Debbie, Megan, Matt, our foster-daughter (Kim), my two cousins we lived with (Jamie and Rachel) and myself. There might be more I don't know about! It's free to join, if anyone is interested.

I think it also might be a good place to share big family news (not gossip) like for instance, our Megan was chosen for the 2008 Michael Davis Fellowship and will be honored at the Lancaster Festival next week. Click here for the schedule of events. Or here for directions. If you have any big news to share, please let me know or become an official contributor and let everyone know yourself (we can add up to 100 contributors!). Many blessings! -Becca

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Goodbye Blue Trucks

On July 8th, 2008 the wrecker came for Harvey's old blue truck. We (Gpa & Gma, Becca and Z) were about to leave in the camper when we saw our chance to witness history in the making.

Harvey's son-in-law had pushed the truck bed tree onto the ground.

The tires were flatter than a pancake and didn't budge.

A good time to say goodbye to Old Blue too (for free!)

There were several on-lookers while Harvey's truck was being removed. One, a girl in her early thirties, said she remembered that truck being there ever since she was a kid. Ben remembers it being there for about twenty years too. Definitely a momentous occasion, glad you could share it. This post was written by Becca and Gramma Harris